Black Citizens’ Super Citizenship Documents

POTUS Commander In Chief of the US, Union Republic Government’s Armed Forces

The POTUS Serves the Nation as the Executive “Body Guard and Conservator ” of, and “Advocate” For Our Republic’s, Exclusive Super Citizens, Because The Union’s Destiny Is Dependent Upon How They Are Treated By We the People
According Section1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 – 14th Amendment 1868

Declaration of Independence 
Short Excerpt – Noting GOD
The Great Triple Amendments

Introduction to Triad
13th, 14th, 15thThe 1866 Civil Rights Act
Progenitor of the 14th
Foundations of Super Citizenship
POTUS Enforced Super CitizenshipTitle Deed – Note & Key
To House-Palace of Justice
The Two US Houses
“A House Divided Against Itself”2008 Apology Resolution HR # 194 (Simple)
The Preamble
Oaths of Office
The US Constitution
SummeryPOTUS & Super CitizenshipGettysburg Address
Lincoln’s Call to Finish the Task

“I Have A Dream” (full text)
Dream (excerpts)